What Do Men Not Like Funny Women?

Why are some women funny and some not? Men in particular seem to be controlled by their very own fears when it comes to dating women. They have a very hard time picking up on what is considered to be a humorous characteristic or facial expression in women. I believe that the reason why men don’t like funny women is that they don’t view themselves as being that funny.

For me, I find women who can carry a good humor to be very appealing. Women who are able to keep up a good conversation with a man are men I’d love to date. But how come some men don’t feel that way? Why do they see women who are funny as being a little bit over the top? Why don’t men like funny women?

The answer that I came up with was that men tend to view women who are funny as being pushy and needy. These are things that men don’t like in women. For example, some women may make it a point to constantly call a guy up and ask him out. If he feels like she is actually pushing him to join her in dating then he will probably not want to take her up on it.

Another reason why I think some men don’t like funny women is because they may seem too willing to be friends with just about anyone. While women who are friends with a lot of men seem to be a little bit desperate in wanting to get a serious relationship going, women who aren’t friends with a lot of men but want a serious relationship seem to be a little bit more self-confident. This is why I think men don’t like funny women, because they get too upset over things or can seem needy to a man.

The truth is that men don’t like funny women, but what men do find attractive in women is a sense of humor. Men like a woman who can make them laugh without trying so hard and also, who knows how to make them smile. However, there are certain things that men do find funny. In fact, I have noticed that in general a lot of women who are considered funny by their guy friends are not that funny to their own guys.

So, what do men not like funny women? Well, one of the main reasons why men don’t like funny women is because they think that women are overly eager to make a man join them in dating. While this may be true in some cases, it is often only an alibi for a woman who isn’t really that interested in getting into a serious relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that all women are like this, and many times the reason that men don’t like women who are funny is simply because they don’t know how to open up to her. If you know a woman who is not funny, then you should take some time and get to know her before you date her.

Author: admin

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